Events & Rates
All rates listed are mentioned as an estimate for services rendered. Final quotes will depend upon a detailed conversation with you, the prospective client.
All Functions include two lights.
Prices for additional lights, up-lighting, fog, bubbles, Funfetti, extensive set-ups /breakdowns, etc. will be determined after a detailed conversation with the perspective client.
"Ring My Bell" Wedding Receptions
- 4 hour minimum
- Average Cost: $250-$300 per hour
- Price will depend on the details of the event.
Please contact us for our special recommended vendors' pricing at the Augustine Golf Club, Fort Belvoir Officer's Club, and both Waterfords in Northern Virginia.
Wedding Ceremony
- Average Cost: $150
- Price will depend on the details (additional set-up and amount of equipment, location and distance)
"Taking Care of Business" Business Clients
- 3 hour minimum
- Average Cost: $175-$200 per hour
- Price will depend on the details of the event.
"Celebration" Private Parties
- 3 hour minimum
- Average Cost: $150-$175 per hour
- Price will depend on the details of the event.
"String of Pearls" Senior Focus
- 1 hour interactive program with seniors using musical instruments
- Average Cost: $140-$160 per hour
"Fun, Fun, Fun" School Functions/Parties
- 2 hour minimum
- $175 per hour
- All school events include lights, activities and or dance instruction.
"Tiny Bubbles" Bubble Extravaganza Party
- 1 hour interactive show
- Average Cost: $175-$200
- Price depends on time and date of show. Reduced rates for multiple shows on same date.